Images & Logos
We have a huge catalogue of studio-shot product images along with an ever-growing collection of application and lifestyle images. They’re available for use by our approved dealers and distributors in their online stores, printed literature, event and exhibition promotion and so much more.
Download Here (Request access below)
Demo Videos
Customised Demo Videos
Request almost any of our videos to be re-edited to include your company logo and contact details. To give you even more of a unique edge, our videos shot on a green screen can now also include a custom background.
Talk to your account manager or our marketing teams for more information.
Digital & Printed Literature
Training Days & Cross-Marketing
Book a Training Day
There’s no better way for you to get to know our products than a hands-on training day. We come to you, showing you the USPs of our products; giving your team the chance to try out the range for themselves.
We can help get the word out…
Have you got a trade show coming up or do you have something you want to tell the world? Let us know too and and we’ll help where we can to promote it on social media and even on our global email marketing campaigns.
Tell us about your upcoming;
- Exhibitions, events and open days
- Company news and celebrations
- New catalogues or website launches
- Stories about you or your customer using our products… and so much more…
Send your news to
Point of Sale Support
Dirty Rigger® Free Standing Product Display Unit
Item Code: TBC
Show off a range of Dirty Rigger® Gloves & Accessories with this free standing product display unit. Products sold separately (and Jess is not included)
Dimensions: (h) 182cm x (w) 68cm x (d) 43cm
Measurements are approximate.
PAL™ Road Case Label Pack Stand
Item Code: TBC
Dimensions: (h) 82cm x (w) 60cm x (d) 26cm
Measurements are approximate.
Dirty Rigger® Counter Top Stand
Item Code: TBC
Show off a range of Dirty Rigger® Gloves & Accessories with this lightweight Counter Top Display Stand. Products sold separately.
Dimensions: (h) 82cm x (w) 60cm x (d) 26cm
Measurements are approximate.
Dirty Rigger® Glove Display Hands
Item Code: TBC
Display Dirty Rigger’s glove range in all their glory on these PVC model hands.
Roller Banner (Coming Soon)
Item Code: TBC
An easy to use roller banner, ideal for most retail displays, exhibitions and events.
Dimensions: TBC
Measurements are approximate.
Are we missing something? Let us know.
Please talk to your account manager or our marketing team who will be happy to help.
Tel (UK): 01480 494540
Tel (International): +44 (0) 1480 494540